1550 Richland Road
Marion, Ohio 43302



Matthew 4:4 MSG Bible

Jesus answered by quoting Deuteronomy: “It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God's mouth.”


 It's very important in the days we live in to take time to "Selah", which means to pause in God's presence, reflect and listen.

 The Prophetic Department at Marion Christian Center is excited to announce that Friday Night “Dare to Discover” services will be resuming again starting in February, 2024.

  We invite you to “Dare to Discover” fresh dimensions & the overflow of the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:16-21 The Passion Translation).


Mark your calendar with the following dates:

 Friday 2/2/2024

 Friday 4/5/2024

 Friday 6/7/2024

 Friday 8/2/2024

 Friday 10/4/2024


Service will start promptly at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm, at which time sign-up/registration for personal prophetic ministry will begin on a first come, first serve basis only.) Please note that ministry spots cannot be saved for one’s who are not present and there is no “pre-registry” available until doors open on each Friday night date. Ministry spots may be limited. If you have received prophetic ministry within the last 6 months, we will ask you to refrain from being ministered to until that time frame has passed. It’s important to be not just a hearer, but a doer of Gods word. (James 1:22)





We’d love to hear how God touched you at our Friday Night Service.                                                                

    EMAIL US AT:  dare2discover@mymcclife.org 

Please feel free to visit this page on a regular basis to keep yourself updated of any opportunities, trainings or events that may be happening.


If you are interested in having one of our Prophetic Teams or Prophetic Prayer Teams come to your location
and minister at your church or organization, please "CLICK HERE" to submit your request.
Based on time and distance, we will respond back to you to communicate and discuss all possibilities.

*Please note that if our teams come to your location, it is our desire to serve and minister God's heart. As God would lead you to give - Love Offerings/Honorariums are accepted and appreciated to cover travel and other expenses.


Also, remember that each person requesting ministry must have their own device to record the ministry time. We no longer record these times of ministry for you. All children under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign a ministry consent form for them, giving authorization for our teams to minister to them. *Please note: There is no childcare available on Friday Night “Dare to Discover” Nights. It is important that your children remain with you at all times.

We’ll look forward to seeing you!

Thank you, may God richly bless each of you!

MCC Prophetic Department


"For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—
that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine."
ROMANS 1:11-12